What are Race Unity Hui?
The National Race Unity Hui provides a welcoming space for young people and their supporters from around Aotearoa New Zealand, to build a shared vision of the future of race relations in our nation.
In 2023 the Hui took place on Saturday 17 June at Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae, Manukau Institute of Technology in Ōtara, Auckland.
In the morning, 22 rangatahi gave their speeches in the national semi-finals.
In the afternoon, the Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s (OCC) Participation and Engagement team (Mai World) facilitated a session with mokopuna and their support people to design solutions to eliminate racism in Aotearoa New Zealand. The voices heard in these sessions contributed to work that the OCC has already done for the Ministry of Justice and the National Iwi Chairs Forum, and form part of the OCCs report amplifying mokopuna voices addressing racism. The sessions included whakawhanaungatanga, kawa setting, games and korero space, generating positive, powerful, and bright solutions to drive out the darkness that is racism.
Three regional Hui have also been held in Taranaki, Rotorua and Hamilton. This provided rangatahi an opportunity to contribute to the national conversation about race with their peers and local community.
The contributions of young people who attend the Hui are shared as widely as possible:
The ideas discussed at the Hui are spread on social media, and can be picked up by the news media, using videos featuring interviews and footage from the day.
Some years a 'Youth Statement' presenting the views of Hui participants is developed and promoted via social media and is discussed with representatives of government, the media, and civil society.